
現在、日本国内にてソロアコースティックギターレーベル、Sugarless Recordsを立ち上げ、製作、ライブ、プロモーション等おこなっている。

Longtailang is a Japanese finger style guitarist, bone in Kanagawa prefecture, based in Tokyo.He moved to New York to train guitar in 2010.During his stay in New York, he performed at Apollo Theater for Amateur Nights as a first Japanese finger style guitarist.He has performed at the United Nations Headquarters and also invited at the show of the Grammy Award nominated singer, Gregory Porter, as an opening actor.He has obtained the MTA official street performance license. and have actively performed in New York.His extraordinary play style with his technics, such as slapping, tapping, and body tapping and manipulating an effecter create his own unique music and makes him the one and only guitarist.He founded a solo acoustic guitar label, Sugarless Records, in 2014. and he now produces music, organizes events, and promotes other emerging guitarists.

 日本神奈川的獨奏吉他手 Longtailang在美國進修時,曾以尚未有日本的獨奏吉他手的身分在紐約的Apollo 劇院表演 曾在聯合國總部大樓內表演及為曾獲得葛萊美音樂大賞的Gregory Porter做過開場表演 也獲得了紐約市MTA公認的街頭表演執照,也在各地鐵站中表演累積相當多的經驗 Longtailang獨特的Slapping,Tapping,Body hitting的華麗表演,並配合effector 來創作出他獨特的曲風 現在,在日本成立了Sugarless Records,製作CD,影片及定期舉辦演奏會

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